Newcastle fellowship zoom

It was a delight for the Church of God in Newcastle to host a fellowship zoom event. Friends from around the UK, Canada, America, Nigeria and Zambia joined us for an afternoon opened by Rachel’s singing and included sharing bible verses, testimonies, songs, breakout tea sessions and ministry from Phil Brennan.

In the first session we were reminded that God provides all round security, He is almighty, the one in control of all things (Deut. 33:26,
Ps. 125:1, 2 Kings 6:16). At all times God is dependable, from personal testimony we heard that in times of difficulty it is good to trust in God. Habakkuk learnt that the just/righteous shall live by faith (Hab 2:4; 3:17-19). There are many ‘do nots’ in scripture that encourage us not to be afraid but to trust in God (Is. 41:10, Matt. 6:25,26, Phil. 4:6, Deut. 20:3,4;31:8). In closing the first session we were reminded that nothing is too hard for God, it is God who prospers (Is. 54:17).

We started the second session with a song, the middle line of which was ‘Christ holds my hand, by faith I stand’. God is the one from whom
our help comes (Ps. 121:1,2). Like the psalmist we should cry ‘lead me to the rock that is higher than I’ (Ps. 61:1,2). During a testimony we learnt the value that Genesis 1:1 and Revelation 21:1 brought to a man who read the bible for the first time. He understood that God was there in the beginning and He will be there when all things are made anew.  Surely this was a God who he could trust. We were treated to a delightful display of professional photos taken from around bonny Scotland, the photos were followed by the verse ‘He has made everything beautiful in its time’ (Ecc. 3:11). Closing the second session we were brought to Galatians 2:20 ‘…I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me’. How great would it be if we took time every day to stop, think about and trust in our great God.

The fun was not over, in the third session we challenged our brain cells to a very creative Bible quiz. As a taster we leave you with round 8 of the quiz (see picture). Due to a dispute over bonus points there may be a recount over quiz winners. We would like to thank all who joined, all who took part, and everyone who helped organise the event. We give thanks to God for his mercy and goodness to us all.

You can also download Pauline’s “Do Not..” presentation here

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